1) The Army Geospatial Enterprise provides geospatial knowledge to the warfighter, as well as an understanding of the where and what of natural features, cultural features, and military capabilities. It is fundamental to the success of the Army.
2) The Army Geospatial Enterprise is an integrated system of governance, technologies, policies, processes, standards, data and organizations that are focused on geospatial capabilities. It is not a specific organization or fielded system.
3) The Army Geospatial Enterprise addresses standardization, interoperability, and geospatial certification for the more than 100 Army systems that either create or consume geospatial data. Managing these systems is a challenge, given that there are over 80 software applications, 200 geospatial data standards, and 350 data formats.
4) The Army Geospatial Enterprise improves mission planning, rehearsal, execution, modeling, simulation, and training for Army systems. It packs a punch by addressing location and situational awareness requirements, supporting the Army’s strategic goals of preventing conflict, shaping the environment, and winning decisively.
How our website is organized ...
Our website navigation, seen on the left, is organized to tell the story of the Army Geospatial Enterprise. The Info menu items link to our Home page, this page About the Army Geospatial Enterprise, a page on our History, and a page to Contact Us for more information.
The Enterprise Components menu items expand on the critical elements of the Army Geospatial Enterprise that ensure interoperability.
This Geospatial Foundation describes the common set of data, Standard Sharable Geospatial Foundation, organized in a Common Operating Picture, to provide situational awareness.
These are achieved by mandating Geospatial Standards; Data Model - Warfighter, such as the Global-Warfighter Geospatial Data Model (GGDM), and Data Model - Installations & Civil Works for the Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE). There are supported by System Engineering support services to ensure the common implementation of standards and architecture.
Based on these foundational elements, there is Geospatial Certification for Army systems to ensure interoperability. The Agile Environment introduces the Army Geospatial Enterprise Node, a computing environment that replicates key Army geospatial capabilities. The Army Geospatial Enterprise Node is used to test the certification process and assist Army systems in prototyping their geospatial capabilities.
Governance by the Army's Geospatial Information Officer and the Army's Geospatial-Enterprise Governance Board (GGB) ensures that geospatial standards are specified and enforced.
The Army Geospatial Enterprise improves mission planning, rehearsal, execution, modeling, simulation, and training. The Army Geospatial Enterprise's interoperability with the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational communities enables full spectrum dominance. Through standardization, the Army Geospatial Enterprise decreases unnecessary duplication, increases interoperability, and reduces the costs of system development, data production, and training.