Description and Background
The Army Geospatial Center (AGC) has produced an unclassified document that is designed to provide basic environmental effects and associated climate and terrain information on military operations for a given country or region.
Key Capabilities
The Manual of Environmental Effects includes terrain and climate information that are provided as background for environmental effects data on such topics as ground operations, smoke, chemical and biological operations; construction equipment, supplies and health.
Supporting Technology
The Manual of Environmental Effects is a stand-alone graphic product produced using and released as a pdf file.
The user can apply the MEE data to their specific needs. The MEE is intended to provide data at the country or operational level to assist the warfighter in planning a variety of missions including military operations, humanitarian relief, transportation studies, and drug enforcement.
Current Status
New studies are not currently in the latest production program and have not been produced since 2003, but they can be requested IAW AR 115-11 through the Army G2. All existing studies remain available on AGC’s PKI, SPRNET, and JWICS sites under the "Products and Services" section.
Point of Contact
COMM: (703) 428-6856, DSN: 364-6934.