Dynamic Synthetic Environments

Published Feb. 28, 2013
Deep Water Mines

Deep Water Mines

Surf Zone Obstacles

Surf Zone Obstacles

Dynamic Terrain

Dynamic Terrain


The US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) with the Joint Forces Command have developed an advanced Dynamic Synthetic Environments capability as a module for use in both Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF), for Computer Generated Forces and ModStealth (OpenScene) Modeling and Simulation (M&S) applications. The module implements dynamic terrain and object models that allow real-time changes to natural and man-made features. A carefully designed architecture isolates the applications from the details of underlying models, allowing for seamless integration. These improved capabilities implement battlespace environment effects, authoritative representations of combat engineering activities and hundreds of multi-state terrain and target features in conditions ranging from healthy to fully-destroyed. Examples of effects available in the Dynamic Synthetic Environments module include:

Battlespace Environments

• Smoke from burning vehicles, obscurants and concealment

• Multi-state object models with three or more states

• Atmospheric illumination, haze, clouds and rain

• Sea spray and ocean waves and tides

Engineering Emplacements

• Littoral zone obstacles like mines, caltrops and concertina wire

• Mobility obstacles for both tracked and wheeled vehicles

• Minefields and minefield breaching capabilities

• Survivability positions and infantry trenches

High-Fidelity Munitions Effects

• Virtual Interactive Target (VIT) to damage and replace buildings

• Weapons penetration of hardened targets and cultural features

• Crater models based on both munition and terrain types

• Physics-based battle damage assessment capability

Point of Contact

Test and Certification (TAC) Team

Geospatial Acquisition Support Division (GASD)

(703) 428-7133