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 AGE GeoGlobe

Fact Sheet (pdf) | Product Catalog

AGE's GeoGlobe is a 3D based visualization and dissemination tool designed to make the discovery and exploitation of geospatial information more intuitive and productive within the DOD user community. AGC's GeoGlobe is based on Skyline Software's SkylineGlobe suite of products. This enterprise software allows users to access AGC's geospatial data archives and products through a locally installed 3D client for Internet Explorer and Internet Information Services (IIS).



 Common Map Background

Fact Sheet (pdf) | Product Catalog

CMB provides digital map and image data to the Warfighter.  CMB utilizes a comprehensive digital data library and custom ArcGIS toolset designed to dramatically reduce the time and expense required to acquire, manage and distribute geospatial.


 Geospatial Information Library

 Geospatial Information Library

Fact Sheet (pdf) | Product Catalog

The Geospatial Information Library focuses on physical geography, terrain analysis and military hydrology, and provides support to all authorized Army, DoD, and other government organizations.



 Historical Photo Analysis

Fact Sheet (pdf) | Product Catalog

Historical Photographic Analyses (HPA) is used by analysts to address environmental concerns related to land use change, such as historical wetland evaluation, shoreline change, watershed/land use mapping and produces a variety of baseline environmental analyses.


 Military Capabilities Studies

 Military Capabilities Studies

Fact Sheet (pdf) | Product Catalog

The MCS is a Department of Defense program designed to provide a compendium of intelligence data on the military, economic, political and environmental resources of a country. MCSs are intended to serve as a ready reference document for national, operational and tactical planners.


 Urban Tactical Planner

 Urban Tactical Planner

Fact Sheet (pdf) | Product Catalog

The Urban Tactical Planner, or UTP assists the planning and visualization of military operations in the world's urban areas. The urban environment is displayed as an aggregate of features that affect urban area operations, such as building form and function (broken out as polygons of like-building types), building height, vertical obstructions, terrain feature, bridges, lines of communication, key cultural features, landmarks, etc. These features are shown as themes or layers that can be displayed, on-or-off, as decided by the user.


Water Resources 


The Water Team operates and assists with developing, maintaining, and enhancing an automated water resources intelligence database. This database facilitates the rapid retrieval of critical information to support strategic water logistics decisions, offering comprehensive data on the location, quantity, and quality of land-based water resources across all DoD components. Additionally, the Water Team provides expert guidance to the DoD’s well-drilling units, advising on optimal drilling locations and depths.  For any water-related inquiries or information requests, please contact AskTeamWater@usace.army.mil