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What we do

AGC Imagery Office

The AGC Imagery Office (AIO) is the U.S. Army's commercial imagery acquisition agent as defined in AR525-95. AIO serves several functions in its role as monitor, as defined in AR525-95, Army Geospatial Information and Services.

AGE GeoGlobe

The Army Geospatial Center (AGC) maintains a worldwide 3D based visualization and tool called the Army Geospatial Enterprise (AGE) GeoGlobe. The AGE GeoGlobe is part of an Army enterprise approach to raster and vector data sharing and visualization in a 3D environment.

Army Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

The Army Geospatial Enterprise (AGE) is an integrated system of technologies, standards and processes that provide a comprehensive framework for systematically managing, exploiting and sharing geospatial data, information and services to enable Army full spectrum operations.

Army Geospatial Enterprise Architecture (AGEA) Standards Profile TV-1 / TV-2

The Army Geospatial Enterprise (AGE) is an integrated system of technologies, standards and processes that provides a comprehensive framework for systematically managing, exploiting and sharing geospatial data, information and services to enable Army full spectrum operations.

Army Remote Ground Terminal

The Remote Ground Terminal (RGT) is a tactical, mobile, sensor agnostic Direct Downlink Demonstration system. It will provide assured, timely receipt of commercial imagery for analysts to utilize in their existing workflow. It can be seamlessly integrated with data from other sources to satisfy Requests for Information.

Border Zone Tactical Planner

Border zones continue to be areas where political and cultural differences clash throughout the world and conflict often erupts where boundaries converge. Our military personnel are frequently called upon to assist in any conflict or aid with any discrepancy. The Border Zone Tactical Planner (BZTP) provides a comprehensive, map-based tool for analyzing complex terrain along physical and cultural borders of interest.

Common Map Background (CMB) Program

The Army Geospatial Center’s (AGC) Common Map Background (CMB) program was designed to provide the capability to assemble, host, maintain and disseminate a common geospatial data library. The library includes AGC data and products, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) data, and other relevant geospatial data and products. Data and/or products from the CMB data library are provided as requested to Army and other Department of Defense (DoD) customers.


Geospatial data gathered from different sources, different agencies, or historical archives, may have been collected in different coordinate systems or datums. In order to combine these types of data, they must be transformed or converted into a common coordinate system and/or datum. CORPSCON provides consistent conversions between various coordi-nate systems and datums within the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands.

Current Operations Team

The Current Operations Team provides rapid response geospatialintelligence products and services in support of Army operations and serves as the Army Geospatial Center’s (AGC) lead for crisis support and emergency operations management. Support requests are usually completed and disseminated within 72 hours.

Data Dissemination Team

The Army Geospatial Center’s (AGC) Data Dissemination Team (DDT) was established in 2004 as the Source Acquisition Team (SAT) to provide image and map support to the Army community. The name was changed in 2009 to more accurately reflect the mission of the team.

Department of Defense, Defense Support to Civil Authorities, Automated Support System (DDASS)

DDASS (DEE-dass) is a web-enabled Government software application developed by the Army Geospatial Center (AGC) to manage (i.e., track, collaborate, coordinate and prioritize), FEMA Mission Assignments (MAs) assigned to the Department of Defense in real time.

Dynamic Synthetic Environments

The US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) with the Joint Forces Command have developed an advanced Dynamic Synthetic Environments capability as a module for use in both Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF), for Computer Generated Forces and ModStealth (OpenScene) Modeling and Simulation (M&S) applications.

Electronic Charting For Inland Waterway Navigation

The U.S. inland navigation system consists of 8,200 miles of rivers maintained by the Corps of Engineers in 22 states, and includes 276 lock chambers with a total lift of 6,100 feet. The highly adaptable and effective system of barge navigation moves over 625 million tons of commodities annually, which includes coal, petroleum products, various other raw materials, food and farm products, chemicals, and manu- factured goods.


The Instrument Set, Reconnaissance and Surveying (common name: ENFIRE)i is a tactical engineering tool set designed to modernize the collection and dissemination of engineer information. It enables the user to auto-populate bridge, road, hasty minefield, IED, and other engineering data on standard Army forms in a digital format.

Engineer Common Operating Picture (eCOP)

USSOUTHCOM J45-Engineering Division requires a software application capable of providing real-time information of all engineering activities condensed in one location and represented in a large operational picture.

Engineering Route Study (ERS)

The Engineering Route Study (ERS) is an unclassified country-scale graphic designed to provide basic information on the major surface transportation systems in conjunction with terrain and climate data. The ERS is intended for use by Army and other Department of Defense contingency planners who are responding to crisis events or other international situations.


Fusion3D software is a lightweight application for viewing digital elevation model (DEMs) and high-resolution imagery in a 3D environment. Developed by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), in support of the U.S. Army Geospatial Center (AGC), Fusion3D software provides a quick and easy way to visualize BuckEye, HALOE, and ALIRT datasets.


The GeoServices Project is an effort to disseminate the Army Geospatial Center’s (AGC) data, products, and analytics to the Warfighter, Army, and DoD using Standard Shareable Geospatial Foundation (SSGF) web services within the Army Geospatial Enterprise (AGE), facilitating a common operational picture for the Soldier at all echelons.

Geospatial Information Library (GIL)

The Geospatial Information Library (GIL) within the U.S. Army Geospatial Center (AGC) is part of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The GIL is used by the staff at AGC and elsewhere within the Corps, the Army and the Department of Defense (DOD) engaged in topographic and/or physical science research.

Geospatial Portable Document Format (GeoPDF)

Portable Document Format (PDF): A file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents.

Geospatial Standards

We know geography is vital to decision making on the battlefield. What we don't always think about is the necessity to make the data sets behind the decisions of the highest possible quality. For instance, automobiles feel safe in part because we have learned that industry standard will require safety features. We trust automakers we've never met because we know cars on the road will have brakes, signals, and ability to steer. The value of geospatial information system data to commanders will likewise depend on a shared standard within U.S. ground forces. The future dictates we reach a point when we trust without a thought about geospatial standards.

Geotrans (Geographic Translator)

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s (NGA) MSP GEOTRANS (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows users to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections and datums.

Historical Photographic Analysis

The Army Geospatial Center (AGC) Environmental Analysis Team conducts Geographic Information System (GIS) based Historical Photographic Analysis (HPA) of current, former, and closing U.S. military installations, training land, and other sites under federal responsibility. HPA are a geographic response to modern day concerns caused by historical activity that require the characterization of land use change over time. Analysts use historical aerial photography, and ancillary data, to reveal or refine potential areas of environmental concern for sites where activity is often obscured today due to the burial of material, rapid revegetation, structural deterioration, or dramatic changes in land use. These temporal or time-based studies provide clues for identifying Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW), unexploded ordnance (UXO), landfill locations, shoreline changes, and surface features (i.e., rock fractures) that shape the movement of contaminants. HPA allow customers to focus restoration and remediation efforts, resulting in significant cost avoidance.

Hydrologic Data Resources Application (HyDRA)

The Hydrologic Data Resources Application (HyDRA) is an unclassified smart phone application created to provide the water community with a means of water resources data collection, visualization, and dissemination in an enterprise environment.

Integrated Evaluation Center (IEC)

To provide the AGC and other DoD organizations with automation, communications and simulation support infrastructure to enable both live and virtual experimentation, demonstrations and analysis.


Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors provide high-resolution, 3-dimensional (3D) geospatial data. Using capabilities developed and refined under the Rapid Terrain Visualization Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (RTV ACTD), the AGC continues to perform LIDAR data collections, exploit LIDAR data for operational support, and research LIDAR technologies.

M&S Terrain Generation

The Joint Experimentation, Test, and Simulation Lab (JETS Lab) of the U.S. Army Geospatial Center (AGC) generates quick turnaround niche Modeling & Simulation (M&S) terrain products to support training, experimentation, testing, research and analysis.

M&S Terrain Generation - VBS/2

The U.S. Army Geospatial Center’s (AGC) Joint Experimentation, Test, and Simulation (JETS) Laboratory produces non-standard modeling and simulation (M&S) terrain products to support the Army geospatially and as it pertains to modeling and simulation terrain database applications.

Manual of Environmental Effects

The Army Geospatial Center (AGC) has produced an unclassified document that is designed to provide basic environmental effects and associated climate and terrain information on military operations for a given country or region.

National Inventory of Dams

The National Inventory of Dams (NID) is a congressionally authorized database, which documents dams in the U.S. and its territories. The NID was most recently reauthorized in the Dam Safety Act of 2006.


The Overseas Humanitarian AssistanceShared Information System (OHASIS) enables Humanitarian Assistance (HA) offices, including embassy staff, countryteam members, Combatant Command leads, and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) to managethe full life cycle of Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA) projects. As a result, OHASIS has been provided to all of the Geographic Combatant Commands (GCC) for their use in monitoring HA projects and to Country Team membersthroughout the world for nominating projects.

Remote Sensing & Fluorescence Lab ERDC-Alexandria, VA

The Remote Sensing and Fluorescence Labs at ERDC-Research Division are engaged in basic and applied research in fluorescence, reflectance, and thermal sensing for terrain and environmental understanding. Examples of research foci are: 1) the development and modeling of fluorophores as target materials for LiDAR 2) the collection and analysis of reflectance to support hyperspectral imaging, 3) thermal short- and longwave emissive spectroscopy and imaging, 4) distributed sensing and 5) understanding of vegetative fluorescence compounds.

Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment 3.X

Geospatial data has historically not been standardized across the DoD Installation and Environment (I&E) and Civil Works (CW) enterprise and is therefore difficult and costly to use, share and integrate. To solve this problem, the US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) and the Defense Installations Spatial Data Infrastructure Group (DISDIG) has developed a geospatial data standard across the DoD I&E communities and USACE Civil Works by streamlining the Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE) from version 2.6 to 3.X. The development of the SDSFIE Logical Data Model (LDM) is a major milestone in the development of SDSFIE.

The Strategic Importance of the Army Geospatial Center’s LIDAR Collection Capability

Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is a remote sensing technology that utilizes laser pulses to measure distances and create detailed, high-resolution 3D maps of the Earth's surface. By emitting rapid laser pulses and measuring the time it takes for the light to bounce back, LIDAR generates precise spatial data that is invaluable for a variety of applications, particularly in military contexts. Unlike commercial satellites, which can provide useful imagery, LIDAR offers unparalleled depth perception, allowing for the identification of terrain features, infrastructure, and even vegetation in a three-dimensional context.

Tidal Datums for Dredging

Tidal datums, or models of tide behavior across a specific body of water, are normally based on a time series of gauge measurements recorded at fixed structures along a water-way. Where fixed platformare not available, such as channel approaches to harbors or the middle of bays and estuaries, uncertainty exists for the exact tide from minute to minute and also the water piling up or going away due to wind effects on the water levels.

Urban Tactical Planner

The US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) has investigated the urban mapping problem and has developed an expeditious process to analyze, map and display layers of urban area information.

U-SMART - (USACE Survey Monument Archival and Retrieval Tool)

One of the major findings from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force was that local project control was not consistent from project to project and in most cases it was not up to-date with the current datum values. Local project control is often not accessible outside of the local USACE district branch or section that established it.

Voyager ILS and WebVoyage

The Geospatial Information Library (GIL) within the US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) is part of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The GIL utilizes Ex Libris (USA) Inc. Voyager integrated library system (ILS) to catalog its library holdings. Voyager is an ILS with modules for cataloging, circulation, acquisitions, reports and others.

Water Resource Assessments and Appraisals (WRA/WAA)

Since 1995 the Army Geospatial Center’s Hydrologic Analysis Team has produced Water Resources Assessments (WRA) in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District's Water Resources Assessment Program, which in turn directly supports the U.S. Southern Command's (SOUTHCOM) Humanitarian Civic Assistance water development program.